Message from SOFY

Never Miss A Chance to Shine

It’s invisible.
But every girl has wings.

When working, studying,
at home, or in love.
In those blissful moments,
when her passion takes control of her,
when she is laughing out loud,
those shining moments...
her wings are spreading out wide,
reaching out into the sky.

But there are times
when her wings don’t spread.
Yes, when she has her period.
There’s nothing a girl can do about it?

Even when she has a period,
she is still living her precious moments.
Having her wings closed,
she will only be missing those moments.

SOFY unlocks
your wings during your period.

SOFY is there to make things happen,
for girls’ wish to stay positive and bright.
We support girls world over
to staying active,
with our advanced technology
from Japan.

Even when you have your period,
fly higher and further,
without a pause.

Spread your wings
and take off, with SOFY.